BK Bókhald ehf is a legal entity which was established in 2017. It is licenced in bookkeeping, accounting and tax advisory and has an active VAT number in these fields. The owner of the company is Björn Knútsson who has a business degree and a diploma from the Ministry of finance and economic affairs as a licenced accountant and is a member of the Association of licensed accountants of Iceland.
BK Bókhald offfers bookkeeping and tax advisory service for individuals, small legal entities and various associations. BK Bókhald offers service for individuals and legal entities in creation and delivery of Tax reports and can offer various advisory service in the field of bookkeeping, tax matters and corporate finance.
BK Bókhald uses the online bookkeeping software Regla.
BK Bókhald ehf.
Kt. 500417-1020
VAT number 127867
Álfaberg 14
221 Hafnarfjörður
Bank account details
Arion Banki